Dragon Emperor, Martial God Chapter 22


Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Dragon Emperor, Martial God Chapter 22

Editor: JetonS

< what="" do="" you="" mean="" by="" "apologizing="" furiously="" "?="">>.

Tang Meng stared dumbfoundedly at Lingyun, who was very calm, wondering if he was going to apologize seriously. He had heard of sincere apologies from vicious people who learned their lessons, but he had never heard of fierce apologies before.

But Tang Meng saw Lingyun grabbing his chopsticks without thinking too much about it, and eating more than half of the six or seven dishes he had ordered, while it seemed that he had not even moved the sticks.

About ten minutes later, Ning Lingyu gently dropped her chopsticks, wiped her mouth carefully with a napkin and drank a gla.s.s of water. Then she smiled softly to his brother.

< brother,="" i’m="" full="">>, even Lingyun dropped his chopsticks, he not only was just full, he was sated.

< yeah?="" well,="" let’s="" go="" then="">>, Lingyun took a towel, wiped his mouth and stood up.

Since the sister knew Li Lei, he didn’t need to talk to Tang Meng, he just needed to ask Lingyu instead.

Tang Meng had not yet finished eating when the two left; he quickly lifted his gaze and said, < lingyun,="" what="" are="" you="" going="" to="" do="" this="" afternoon?="" i="" have="" something="" for="" you.="">>

Lingyun looked at him with a dumb expression: < i’m="" goin’="" to="" go="" to="" the="" lesson="" of="" course,="" what="" else="" would="" i="" do?="">>

“To less….. WHAAAT?!”, Tang Meng could not believe in what he just heard, was he really Lingyun ? Did he even know where to go for a lesson? If he was going to cla.s.s for real, did he even understand what the teacher would say ?

< brother,="" are="" you="" sure="" you="" want="" to="" go="" to="" the="" cla.s.s="" this="" afternoon?="">>, Ning Lingyu was happy, her brother finally started to attend cla.s.ses, it was great news.

Raising his hand and giving a pat on Ning Lingyu’s nose, he joked: < of="" course,="" i’ll="" go="" to="" cla.s.s="" and="" do="" some="" homework="">>.

Then he turned to Tang Meng and said: < if="" you="" really="" have="" something="" for="" me,="" in="" the="" afternoon,="" after="" school,="" come="" find="" me="">>.

Lingyun looked out, because of the presence of his sister, Tang Meng had intentionally omitted many information.

After having said that, he gently patted his sister’s shoulder and walked out the door without looking back.

While they were leaving listlessly the dining hall, they met Cao Shanshan and, by her expression, one could clearly see all the envy and anger she was feeling towards Ning Lingyun.

Tang Meng watched the two leaving until they were gone when he suddenly remembered, stood up and shouted, < disgusting="" fat="" man,="" come="" back="" here="" and="" gimme="" my="" money="" back="" nooow!!!="">>

Unfortunately, Lingyun did not hear, but even if he did, he would not return the money.

Ning Lingyu let her brother rest his hand on her shoulder, it was a sweet and natural sensation, without shyness, enjoying the sense of security which was emanating from it.

< brother,="" tang="" meng="" seems="" to="" have="" stepped="" aside,="" but="" do="" not="" let="" him="" deceive="" you:="" he’s="" a="" big="" boy,="" but="" actually="" a="" very="" smart="" kid,="" do="" not="" make="" him="" suffer.="">>

< he="" is="" not="" going="" to="" suffer="">>, Lingyun nodded slightly.

< so,="" are="" you="" going="" to="" keep="" the="" thousand="" dollars?="" don’t="" they="" belong="" to="" cao="" shanshan?="">>.

He didn’t answer, and Ning Lingyu clearly understood the answer from his brother’s gaze.

Lingyun chuckled, raising his hand he stroked Ning Lingyu’s head, who said, becoming serious, < brother,="" you="" are="" my="" reference="" point="">>

He smiled sweetly.

Once they reached the door of the dormitory, Ning Lingyu stopped, pushed with both hands Lingyun and said < go!="" and="" put="" the="" dirty="" clothes="" to="" wash,="" i’ll="" wait="" here.="">>

Lingyun smiled: < couldn’t="" you="" give="" me="" a="" hand?="">>

Ning Lingyu said nothing, but her face said it all: nothing to do, she did not want.

Lingyun had no choice but to run up the stairs and throw all crumpled clothes in the hamper.

< brother,="" if="" you="" are="" really="" going="" to="" study,="" i="" can="" give="" you="" a="" hand!="">>

To Ning Lingyu it was a matter of principle: with only two months of study, Lingyun could not attend college cla.s.ses, unless he worked hard for real and if that was the case she wanted to help him, of course.

Lingyun nodded politely, smiled and said: < as="" long="" as="" it="" does="" not="" become="" a="" nuisance,="" that’s="" okay="">>

Looking at the slender figure of Ning Lingyu, Lingyun mysteriously smiled.

He finally began to feel a sense of belonging to this world.

He went back to the dormitory.


Cla.s.s 63, ending level cla.s.s.

< i’m="" starving……="">>, Zhang Ling was enjoying a steaming bowl of boiled fish, but only in her imagination, she was drooling.

< hey,="" do="" not="" yell,="" i="" get="" annoyed!="">>, Cao Shanshan became angry, she did not tolerate even Zhang Ling, scolding her all the time.

< but="" i’m="" hungry…="" ugh="" it’s="" all="" fault="" of="" that="" horrible="" lingyun,="" i="" must="" be="" hungry="" for="" this="" story!="">>,

Zhang Ling was frustrated and angry.

< i="" have="" a="" sweet="" in="" the="" backpack,="" take="" it="" if="" you="" want!="">>, Cao Shanshan glanced at her best friend, who understood she had just gained the permission to eat it.

< oh,="" really?="">>, Zhang Ling eyes shone.

She took Cao Shanshan’s backpack and opened the sweet’s package.

< zhang="" ling?="" i’ve="" heard="" lingyun="" said="" that="" he="" will="" beat="" you="" up="">>, said Cao Shanshan.

< lingyun?="" what?="">>, Zhang Ling struggled to swallow the sweet, almost choking and rolling her eyes….. She immediately picked up the bottle and took a sip before answering.

< hey!="" i’m="" your="" friend,="" ok?="" lingyun="" treats="" me="" badly="" and="" you="" still="" remain="" indifferent?="">>, the angry Shanshan tried to s.n.a.t.c.h the cake from Zhang Ling’s hands.

< a="" gentleman="" uses="" words,="" not="" violence……="">>.

Zhang Ling quickly moved her right hand and carefully watching Cao Shanshan, she said: < shanshan,="" i="" think="" you="" are="" not="" right……="">>.

< what?!="" i="" am="" not="" right?="" what’s="" that?="">>, Cao Shanshan asked shocked.

Zhang Ling looked around to see if there were still some students in the cla.s.sroom, then she lowered her voice and said: < shanshan,="" frankly,="" don’t="" you="" think="" that="" you="" could="" have="" overreacted="" a="" bit="" today?="">>, Cao Shanshan remained stupefied!

Yes, today went this way, why did I get angry so easily?

Zhang Ling continued, pointing her finger: < if="" we="" really="" have="" to="" say="" it,="" lingyun="" was="" eating="" very="" politely,="" you="" were="" the="" one="" who="" went="" to="" his="" table,="" no?="">>.

Cao Shanshan was confused.

< when="" you="" took="" out="" the="" money="" in="" front="" of="" tang="" meng,="" and="" lingyun="" came="" from="" the="" other="" table="" to="" pick="" them="" up="" pushing="" tang="" meng,="" did="" you="" get="" angry?="">>.


< in="" addition,="" why="" do="" you="" give="" so="" much="" attention="" to="" people="" who="" provoke="" others="" like="" lingyun="" you="" got="" angry="" today="" but,="" in="" the="" end,="" what="" is="" the="" point?="" my="" friend,="" people="" do="" not="" make="" trouble="" to="" someone="" like="" you,="" right?="" why="" did="" you="" got="" angry?="">>.

Cao Shanshan tried to remember and, actually, Lingyun did not say a word, he only took one thousand yuan and just kept eating.

< yes="" but…="" but="" it’s="" because="" he="" took="" those="" thousand="" yuan…="" i-i="" wanted="" to="" give="" them="" to="" tang="" meng,="" not="" to="" him……="">>, said Cao Shanshan, in a low voice, now more confused than before.

Zhang Ling nodded sympathetically: < i="" admit="" it,="" lingyun’s="" approach="" was="" a="" little="" cheeky="" but,="" apart="" from="" the="" thousand="" yuan,="" was="" there="" the="" need="" to="" get="" upset="" so="" much?="">>.

< also,="" despite="" lingyun="" being="" very="" arrogant,="" there="" must="" have="" been="" a="" reason="" behind="" his="" actions,="">> Tang Meng said nothing there, >
Cao Shanshan did not know what to say.

< ok,="" and="" finally="" what="" did="" lingyun="" do?="">>

< but="" ……="" but="" ……="">>

Cao Shanshan wanted to say something, < …="" i="" pulled="" it="" back="" so="" much="" but="" in="" fact="" the="" problem="" was="" that="" lingyun="" did="" not="" deign="" me="" more="" than="" a="" look="">>.

Zhang Ling smiled finishing the last piece of cake, looking at the changes of expression of Cao Shanshan, she ventured: < shanshan,="" you="" look="" somewhat="" different,="" are="" you="" sure="" that="" everything="" is="" ok?……="" may="" it="" be="" that="" you="" have="" feelings="" for="" the="" fat="" boy?="">>.

Cao Shanshan suddenly blushed! She covered Zhang Ling’s mouth, as she looked around in concern and sighed with relief after realizing that no one heard.

< has="" that="" sweet="" driven="" you="" mad?!="" what="" should="" i="" feel?="" do="" not="" see="" romance="" where="" there="" is="" none,="" i="" just="" want="" a="" good="" dinner,="" f.u.c.k="" lingyun!="">>.

< ok="" ok="" ok,="" if="" you="" despise="" him="" so="" much="" i’m="" not="" going="" to="" say="" anything="" else,="" i="" was="" just="" blabbing!="">>, Zhang Ling pulled her hand away from Cao Shanshan's grip, still agitated.

< but="" ……="">>, Cao Shanshan thought about the phrase that he told her “pretty, high the right, nice t.i.ts”, she could not get angry, she could not hate him, but it seemed that no one else heard that phrase but her.

< but="" he="" said="" he="" did="" not="" know="" who="" you="" are,="" right?="">>, Zhang Ling is a good friend.

< actually,="" it’s="" quite="" easy="" to="" understand:="" lingyun="" likes="" you,="" it’s="" quite="" clear="" i’d="" say.="" and="" even="" if="" you="" say="" that="" he’d="" not="" look="" attractive="" even="" for="" a="" pig,="" lingyun="" is="" already="" aware="" of="" this.="" since="" we="" know="" that="" it’s="" impossible="" to="" have="" you,="" no="" one="" dares="" to="" confess="" his="" feelings="" and="" prefers="" not="" to="" recognize="" you,="" better="" hide="" the="" pain="" than="" confess,="" do="" you="" understand?="" keep="" some="" self-esteem.="" many="" guys="" do="" that,="" don’t="" you="" know?="">>.

Cao Shanshan had no idea, actually yes, it was plausible.

After speaking with Zhang Ling, she pondered, who knew she was able to give so many advises?

But being still angry, Shanshan replied, < but="" you="" said="" that="" he="" is="" spreading="" rumors="" about="" me,="" he="" wants="" to="" get="" my="" attention="" with="" such="" an="" arrogance!="">>.

Zhang Ling laughed: < i’m="" older="" than="" you,="" i’ll="" help="" you="" find="" the="" right="" words="" to="" make="" you="" look="" fine="">>

Cao Shanshan became desperate.

She made a long pause and said, < you="" see,="" today="" i’m="" making="" any="" sort="" of="" trouble,="" will="" i="" be="" able="" to="" do="" something="" right="" at="" the="" end?="">>.

Zhang Ling did not look at her, but she looked up at the ceiling of the cla.s.s, saying things like: «Today the weather is good, mostly sunny» and stuff like these.

«What happens to me? What a mess am I doing? », asked Cao Shanshan.

«Shanshan, there’s something you don't know», Zhang Ling suddenly bowed her head, her mouth near to Cao Shanshan’s ear, and whispered, «Lingyun has always annoyed Tang Meng, not only you, I tell you this one …… ».

Zhang Ling said that everything began before Cao Shenshen started to eat at the canteen:

Lingyun started beating the bully Tang Meng.

«Seriously? Are you saying that Tang Meng was repeatedly beaten? ».

«Yes, now you can understand why Lingyun was quite strange this morning, his eyes, his face, his bearing, his manner of speech, his respect towards other people, it's just incredible but it’s also great good news! ».

«Just think, and… how Ning Lingyu behaved with Lingyun before? Like today? ».

«Shanshan, I’ll be honest, except the fact that Lingyun still looks like a pig, I suspect that he’s not the same person! »

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