The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent (LN)

Sei, a 20 year old office worker was summoned to a different world after finis.h.i.+ng some overtime work. But the person who had summoned her looked at her face and said, “This is not the Saint.” Is this neglect play!? Sei left the royal palace and concealed her saint t.i.tle. She started working at a laboratory where she made potions and cosmetics. She used her magic to grant people’s requests and slowly people began suspecting that she was a saint… Can Sei enjoy her slow dreamy different world life without her saint t.i.tle being found out?! .ZooUp Free Novels provides you with the introduction and chapters of The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent (LN). The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent (LN) is a novel of Fantasy Romance Shoujo Slice-Of-Life with both wonderful story and well-written.
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