The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate

A girl who likes meat a bit.Well, maybe more than just a little bit.She wakes up after a car accident one day and finds herself in Ancient China, the daughter of a high-ranking official. This is all fine and dandy, except where’s the meat? Veggie dumplings for dinner? Preposterous!Gu Qingqiao likes meat so much that a fortune-teller once predicted that her love for meat would bring calamity to the nation. She embarks on a ridiculous journey to find a way to her own time (so she can eat Mom’s cooking again, of course), munching on snacks, while picking up a bis.h.i.+e or two or three along the way.Easy peasy, right? .ZooUp Free Novels provides you with the introduction and chapters of The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate. The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate is a novel of Adventure Comedy Historical Romance Shoujo Slice-Of-Life with both wonderful story and well-written.
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